HSK2 Standard Book Dialogues:

This is an extra listening practice course for HSK2 level. To make the best use of it, you should first complete HSK1 Standard Course.

Below are the 60 dialogues of units 1 to 15 belong to HSK1 standard Student Book.

Lets get started!

# Lesson Content Level
1 九月去北京旅游最好。 September is the best time to visit Beijing. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
2 我每天六点起床。 I get up at six everyday. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
3 左边那个红色的是我的。 The red one on the left is mine. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
4 这个工作是他帮我介绍的。 He recommended me for this job. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
5 就买这件吧。 Take this one. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
6 你怎么不吃了。 Why don't you eat more. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
7 你家离公司远吗。 Do you live far from your company. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
8 让我想想再告诉你。 Let me think about it and I'll tell you later. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
9 题太多,我没做完。 There were too many questions, I didn't finish al of them. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
10 别找了,手机在桌子上呢。 Stop looking for your cell phone, it's on desk. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
11 他比我大三岁。 He is three years older than you. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
12 你穿得太少了。 You wear too little. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
13 门开着呢。 The door is open. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
14 你看过那个电影吗? Have you seen that movie? Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1
15 新年就要到了。 The new year is coming. Audio + Chinese + Pinyin + English HSK1